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Local Build and Deploy

This section covers how to set up a local EON mainnet or Gobi testnet node.

Horizen provides the files needed to start your own EON node locally. The Horizen EON repository is open source, and the code can be pulled from the GitHub repository and executed.

The easiest way to start your own EON node is to use Docker. The EON client will be running in a Dockerized container.

Node Client

To start your node, run our Docker Compose on your computer.

Set Up

  1. Remove any previous version of Docker including any Docker Compose plugins before starting.

  2. Install Docker. Use the instructions from the official Docker guide. Also install Docker Compose v2 (which is included as a plugin with apt install), bc (arbitrary precision calculator language) and jq (a command-line JSON processor), using the following commands. Update dependencies:

    sudo apt-get -y install bc jq pwgen
    sudo apt-get update

    Add a Docker group if it does not exist.

    groupadd -g 999 docker 2>&1 || groupmod -g 999 docker

    Get 'docker compose' bash completion.

    curl -fsSL -o /etc/bash_completion.d/docker

    Note: These instructions refer to Ubuntu or almost any Debian-based Linux distro. Check the official Docker guide for other OS or other kinds of incompatibilities.

  3. Clone this Horizen repository using the following command:

    git clone

    Note: See GitHub documentation for detailed cloning instructions.

  4. Follow the set up steps outlined in the README. This includes creating the .env file, setting the environment variables, and running the appropriate scripts.

    Run the following command to initialize and run the stack for the first time:


    Note: It takes some time to synchronize the entire blockchain. While waiting, check the progress by comparing the last block in the EON Explorer or Gobi Explorer with the response of the following RPC method:

    curl -X POST "" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":"test"}' -H "accept: application/json"

WARNING: Risk Data Corruption - Always shut down the node properly by executing, available in the scripts folder, at the end of your testing session and/or before turning off your machine (computer or virtual machine).

Run the Client

If you have performed the previous setup instructions and you want to restart the client, run the following command at the root folder of the project (inside the cloned repository):


WARNING: Risk Data Corruption - Always shut down the node properly by executing, available in the scripts folder, at the end of your testing session and/or before turning off your machine (computer or virtual machine).


Set up your network provider as localhost ( and port (9545), and also change the Chain ID according to the environment you are using.

EON MAINNET (localhost)
Network name:  Horizen EON Mainnet
Chain ID: 7332
Currency symbol: ZEN
Block Explorer:
GOBI TESTNET (localhost)
Network name:  Horizen Gobi Testnet
Chain ID: 1663
Currency symbol: TZEN
Block Explorer:

Note: For configuring a wallet or network provider with the testnet local node the "RPC Server" must be the local one (localhost). Use the Chain ID for the corresponding network.